
Saddhanta has recently attended and completed the foundational and advanced training in BioGeometry.  

Developed over 50 years by Dr Ibrahim Karim from Cairo Egypt, BioGeometry is a science of qualities, namely; colour, shape, proportion, angle, sound and number. 

Saddhanta did his BioGeometry training under certified trainer Dr Robert Gilbert of the Vesica Institute.

Dr Gilbert is also a well known and respected teacher of the esoteric wisdoms, sacred knowledge, sacred geometry, spiritual traditions and mysticism. He has been a practitioner of BioGeometry for over 20 years.

Saddhanta recommends for anyone that is curious to follow Dr Gilberts work on Gaia TV or You Tube, to truly get a feel for his amazing contribution to the spiritual and esoteric community.  

Dr Gilberts pragmatic and coherent approach to spirituality is very grounded and practical. This is what attracted Saddhanta to his trainings. 

Everything in nature and reality has its expression in geometry. In sacred Geometry, it is known as the thought form of God. Through the deep understanding of how these qualities are found in nature, and how nature is influenced by these qualities, BioGeometry can be applied in numerous ways to positively effect humans, animals, plants and the earth itself. 

There are a number of BioGeometry tools that Saddhanta has been trained in that can help in the balancing and harmonising of living organisms.

This is helpful in many applications, including; 

Balancing Wifi energy

Protecting from EMF smog

House clearing and balancing

Remote vibrational healing

Earth energy balancing

Energetic space clearing

Enhancing beneficial vibrations

Testing for vibrational matches

In fact BioGeometry can be used to aid in uplifting anything at all in nature, on all plains of nature; Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual and Divine.

BIoGeometry can help in; 

Mental wellbeing  

Emotional wellbeing 

Spiritual growth and clearing 

Family life  

Business life 

Environmental health and balancing 

Raising of consciousness 

And much more 

Here is Dr Ibrahim Karim explaining the understanding of energy as understood in BioGeometrey 

Saddhanta has utilised his training in BioGeometry to create two services from living Essence; One is for the personal body, and the other for the environment  

For environmental wellbeing Saddhanta offers Home Harmonics, and for personal well-being the is Remote Vibrational Balancing. 

BioGeometry is a very deep and dynamic spiritual science. If you have any questions, or want to learn more of how Living Essence can assist you with the application of BioGeometry principles, fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page.

Remote Vibrational Healing

‘Here’s how you can receive a unique and multifaceted remote energy healing any time…anywhere. And all you need is a phone…

You simply send a photo of yourself to us at living essence, which is then turned into a vibrational witness, which allows us to find your personal wavelength for vibrational testing and balancing.

Using specific tools with your witness, we do vibrational balancing on your human archetype within the seven planes of nature. This is a unique and powerful application from the school of Biogeometry, able to provide profound results.

You will also be tested for, and tethered to the most beneficial power spots for your personal wavelength. One on the earth and one in the cosmos. 

A brain balance is also performed and coupled with the powerspots and biosignatures onto a vibrational emitter.

As these are coding your energetic system, a shamanic energy healing is performed on your personal chakra system. And an oracle card reading is also done.

You will then receive a text back with photos of the vibrational work, oracle cards, and diagnostics of what was found and and balanced.

This is convenient and great value, that is helping people achieve amazing results in healing and spiritual growth and development. You won’t find a more comprehensive remote healing service anywhere else. 

1 Hour Session • $150

We look forward to serving you.

Home Harmonics

A healthy environment is fundamental to ones own personal health and well-being.  

Devi & Saddhanta from Living Essence have invested much time and resources into acquiring the knowledge and tools to balance the home and office environment. 

Home Harmonics is a Living Essence service that helps to balance and harmonise the physical and metaphysical energies to the spaces in which you live and work. Thus raising the vibration of your environment for the benefit of your Body, Mind and Spirit. 

In todays expanding technological world we are increasingly bombarded with an array of detrimental frequencies and subtle energies that can deeply impact our living organism, mind and spirit. Often this is influencing our health and well-being without our knowing that it is happening, until our physical body reaches a tipping point, and disease & sickness occurs. 

This is why it is so important for us to invest in the health of the places in which we spend the majority of our time, too lessen our exposure to EMF’s, electrical currents, detrimental earth energy lines and many other subtle energy influences.


In Home Harmonics we use empirical testing and balancing methods and tools, to locate and identify detrimental energies in any given space, transmuting these energies to be more beneficial and conducive to our health. 

Saddhanta has obtained the ability to vibrationally test for, and correct detrimental energies, through his study and application of BioGeometry Energy Systems, Developed by Dr Ibrahim Karim.  

The specific subtle energy that is most harmful to living organisms, is what is know in BioGeometry as; Vertical Negative Green (VNG). This particular band within the subtle energy spectrum is found in: 

Electro-magnetic Frequencies 

Detrimental Earth Grid lines 

Wifi, routers and smart metres 

Appliances, Devices, TV’s, Power box’s and Electrical  

Electric cars and battery powered devices  

The spaces that are of the highest concern to be tested for and corrected of VNG are: 


Sitting areas 


Anywhere that people spend prolonged amounts of time. 

From here you can choose to harmonise any space you please within your home, office or place of Gathering.  

A General energy clearing and balancing of the home starts at $350 + GST for a home visit. 

Saddhanta will then provide you with recommendations of deeper testing, and options for more sustained energy balancing to spaces that need it the most. 

To chat to Saddhanta about solutions for your home or livings space call 021 550 639 or contact us below.